How to use WhatsApp Web Client in Safari on iPad ?

Did you ever tried to use what’s app web on your iPad ? If yes than you must have seen that when you try to open in Safari on iPad, instead of showing WhatsApp’s web client it takes you to official website of WhatsApp. Why does this happens ? Is there any way to use WhatsApp Web in Safari browser on iPad ? Yes, there is a way and I have explained that in detail in this post.

I use WhatsApp web in chrome browser on my laptop but whenever I work from my iPad it is a real headache to take phone out of pocket every time and respond to messages on whatsapp. At that time for the first time I thought and tried to use WhatsApp web in Safari on my iPad but it automatically redirected me to official website of whatsapp, at that time I thought it do not support tablet devices but after little web research and few tries now I can finally use WhatsApp Web on iPad. Wanna know how I am using it ? Follow below given simple steps and enjoy WhatsApp web on your iPad.

How to Use WhatsApp Web on iPad ?

Whenever we goto – it opens up tablet version of this website and this is the reason why it redirects us to whatsapp’s official website. To solve our problem we need to open desktop version of WhatsApp web in Safari on iPad. Now if you are thinking that we need to install any app to do this or apply any jailbreak tweaks than you are totally wrong. We won’t get involve in those stuffs, infact we would be using one hidden feature of Safari browser which would let us use WhatsApp web in Safari on iPad. Feeling Curious? Lets begin with steps now..

1) Open Safari browser on your iPad and open URL of WhatsApp web –, It would redirect you to whatsapp’s website but don’t close it. After it loads completely, simply tap on address bar to show up your recent pages and bookmarks, than swipe it down to see hidden features of Safari including – Request Desktop Site.

request dektop site to use whatsapp web on ipad

2) Tap on Request Desktop Site and you are good to go. As you can see in image below, it will load up WhatsApp web client on your iPad than you can follow normal procedure just as we do on desktop browsers.

Scan QR Code to use WhatsApp web client on ipad

3) Scan QR code by going into WhatsApp web setting on your phone and once it is connected you will be able to use your iPad to chat via WhatsApp web client.

How to use Whats App web in Safari on iPad

That’s all folks! As you can see in image that my phone is connected and I am able to use WhatsApp web on my iPad. In the same way you can follow above given steps and use WhatsApp web client on iPad. I think this is the easiest method to do it and there cannot be any other more simpler method than this. I hope it helps you, ask me in comments if you face any difficulties doing this.